
Рейс: W66269
выполняет Wizz Air

Рейс: W66270
выполняет Wizz Air

How to find and buy tickets Wizz Air Kiev - Wroclaw?
To find and buy a ticket from the city Kiev (, airport Zhulhany) from Wizz Air to Wroclaw (, airport Wroclaw Kopernika) click "BOOK" and complete your purchase.
How much is it?
The lowest price starts from 2 165 UAH. These offers from the airline Wizz Air together with the site iFly will help you find the most convenient option for a flight. For your convenience, we also show prices for Kiev - Wroclaw tickets from other airlines.
We'll help you find the cheapest tickets in Poland. Use our catalog in which you will find all the best offers Kiev - Wroclaw from all carriers.
💡 Buy air tickets immediately in both directions, one way ticket to Wroclaw - can cost more than return.
When searching for air tickets, we immediately find all the options for flights from Kiev to Wroclaw from all airlines that perform flights in the given direction. iFly compares the prices of more than 700 airlines and several booking systems.
Flight Kiev - Wroclaw, operated by Wizz Air, can be booked for the cost 2 165 UAH online on the iFly website. Flight from the airport Zhulhany (})) arrives and arrives at the airport Wroclaw Kopernika (Poland).